Year: 1503
You are a young boy from a village in the outerlands, and currently your village is being attacked by a group of dark elves, but none of that is currently important, first thing is first, what's your name?
[[What's this young boy's name?]]
Welcome to Magistuck, a world of magiks and, stucks?
[[Begin Act 0: Custom Mode|Act 0]]
(link:"Begin Act 0: Cannonical Mode")[(set: $lightCity to "Aldwin")(set: $darkCity to "Aldfeon") (set: $playerName to "Zean")(goto:"Act 0")]
{(if: $playerName is 0)[(put: (prompt: "What's this young boy's name?") into $playerName)]}You are $playerName, you're 5 years old and live with your father in one of the many towns in the outerlands. You spend most of your day playing with friends and drawing in dirt with sticks. Today just so happens to be your birthday, but it is also the day the dark elves have decided to attack your home.
[[$playerName: Retrieve armaments from chest|Retrieve armaments from chest]]
You go and retrieve your knife from you're father's weapons chest, after that you decide to go and find the hidey-hole your father made for you when you were younger to hide out from the dark elves.
[[$playerName: Leave house|Leave house]]
Ugh, the begginings of these stories are always so boring! Let's skip to the fun part!
[[*skip*|Fun part]]
$playerName, you're finally old enough to... Wait... This is way too early, is someone playing a prank? Go back to wherever you came from and don't skip forward anymore.
[[Aww... Fine :'(|Fine :(]]
You head towards the door and then remember that your father locked it so that the dark elves wouldn't get in, but if they really wanted they could just break the door, which is one of the reasons why you don't think your father is the brightest tool in the shed, anyways, you head off to the secret exit to the woods your father dug out for you in case of an emergency just like this.
[[$playerName: Enter secret passageway|Enter secret passageway]]
On the other side of the passage you hear an explosion behind you, did they really? Yeah they did... The elves blew up your house, you really liked that house too, so you're sorta sad to see it blow up, but you have more pressing matters, where should you go now?
[[$playerName: Go back towards your old village|Go back towards your village]]
[[$playerName: Head off towards the nearest village|Head off towards the nearest village]]
Thar be nothing 'ere, turn back while ye can!
That's a pretty stupid idea, but off you go! And just as you expected, your house is gone, maybe you can look through the rubble to... Nope! Those freakin elves are still going around blowin' up houses! you guess you'll turn back around and head towards... What was that place's name again?.
[[$playerName: What was that place's name again?|What's this place's name again?]]
On your treck through the woods nothing important really happens, you see some unicorns, some satyrs, some centaurs and etc. Nothing of any interest, *sigh*, maybe there'll be something interesting happening in the village you're headed to? Anyways, what was the name of that place again?.
[[$playerName: What's the place's name? |What's this place's name again?]]
{(if: $lightCity is 0)[(put: (prompt: "What is this village's name again?") into $lightCity)]}Oh yeah that was it, welcome to $lightCity! The worlds largest exporter of magiks, you decide to wait around for your father to show up, you're like, 99.99% sure he's still alive, probably, but until he shows up you decide to look around for some prime real-estate to buy whenever he shows up.
[[End of Act 0|Act 1 start]]
$lightCity = Aldwin
$darkCity = Aldfeon
$reacurring = dark elf attacks
$playerName = Zean
$weapon 1 = sword
$weapon 2 = bow
$magic 1 = fire
$magic 2 = ice
$magic 3 = wind
$magic 4 = shadow
$magic 5 = light
$effect 1 = burn
$effect 2 = freeze
$effect 3 = poison
(if: $item1 != 0)[(if: $item2 != 0)[(if: $item3 != 0)[(if: $item4 != 0)[(set: $item5 to $newItem)]]]]
(if: $item1 != 0)[(if: $item2 != 0)[(if: $item3 != 0)[(set: $item4 to $newItem)]]]
(if: $item1 != 0)[(if: $item2 != 0)[(set: $item3 to $newItem)]]
(if: $item1 != 0)[(set: $item2 to $newItem)]
(if: $item1 is 0)[(set: $item1 to $newItem)]
{(if: $darkCity is 0)[(put: (prompt: "The city of shadow's name") into $darkCity)]}In the next few years the dark elves' numbers grew, now they have an entire kingdom and have been sending armies out to lay seige to other cities and kingdoms.
[[Begin Act 1|Act 1]]
Year: 1513
You are a teen from a bigshot city in the outerlands, and currently the city is being seiged by the dark elves of $darkCity, but none of that is currently important, first thing is first, what's your name?
[[What's this young boy's name?|What's this young boy's name 2]]
{(if: $playerName is 0)[(put: (prompt: "Isn't this familiar?") into $useless)]}You are $playerName, you're 15 years old and live with your father in the city of $lightCity on the outskirts of the outerlands. You spend most of your day training with peers and stabing things with your trusty knife. Today just so happens to be your birthday, but it is also the day the dark elves have decided to seige the city.
[[$playerName: Retrieve armaments from Chester|Retrieve armaments from Chester]]
You set off to find your trusty pet Chester, he's a pretty good pet and you've know him most of your life, you first got him when you were 8 and he's been a great companion ever since... Now where is that rascal?
[[$playerName: Look for Chester|Look for Chester]]
{(set: $weapon to 1)(set: $monsters to 1)(set: $monster1 to "dark elf")(set: $damage to 10)(set: $Ehealth1 to 30)(set: $Ehealth2 to 0)(set: $armorE to "None")(set: $weaponE to "Trusty Sword")(set: $magicE to "None")(set: $Uhealth to 50)(set: $Umagic to "None")(set: $Edamage1 to 10)(set: $Edamage2 to 0)(set: $blockdam1 to $Edamage1/2)(set: $blockdam2 to $Edamage2/2)(set: $blockdam3 to $blockdam1 + $blockdam2)(set: $EdamEdam to $Edamage1 + $Edamage2)(set: $E2 to "dead")(set: $EnemyDrop to "Strange amulet")}As you make your way outside you discover a batch of elves has already made it past the walls and into the city! You grab your sword and get ready for a battle.
[[$playerName: Strife!|Strife Menu]]
(set: $nextPage to "[[Continue|Reinforcements]]" )
Right as you think those words you hear a series of *thumps* behind you, there he is! With his majestic horn and such, you were pretty surprised when they let you keep a unicorn in the keeps but he's been good so far, as he strides up to you, you grab your sword and sheath off of him and decide to give him a treat.
[[$playerName: Give Chester a treat|Give Chester a treat]]
You dig around in your bag till you find it. A golden apple, he just loves the things, you don't know why, they taste all metalic and such, just gross, but whatever, you've spent enough time horseing around. Hehe, *horseing*, that's a good one, anyways, you decide to head of to fight some elves.
[[$playerName: Head off to fight some elves|Elf Strife!]]
Health: $Uhealth Magiks: $Umagic
{(set: $Ehealth1 to $Ehealth1 - $damage)(if: $Ehealth1 is 0)[(set: $E1 to "dead")](if: $Ehealth2 is 0)[(set: $E2 to "dead")]}You (if: $weapon is 1)[swipe at](if: $weapon is 2)[shoot at] the (if: $hitmonster is 1)[$monster1](if: $hitmonster is 2)[$monster2] with your $weaponE, it does $damage damage(if: $inflict is true)[and inflicts $effect](else:)[.] The (if: $hitmonster is 1)[$monster1](if: $hitmonster is 2)[$monster2] retaliates!
{(if: $E1 is "dead" and $E2 is "dead")[(set: $battleWon to true)]}Health: $Uhealth Magiks: $Umagic
(set: $defended to 0)(if: $battleWon is true)[(if: $monsters is 2)[The two $monster1 are dead](if: $monsters is 1)[The $monster1 is dead](if: $monsters is 3)[The $monster1 and the $monster2 are dead]!](else:)[
(if: $monsters is 2)[Two $monster1 stand](if: $monsters is 1)[A $monster1 stands](if: $monsters is 3)[A $monster1 and a $monster2 stand] before you. What should you do?]
(if: $battleWon is true)[(link:"Victory")[(goto:"Victory")]](else:)[(if: $monsters is 2)[(link:"Attack $monster1")[(set: $hitmonster to 1)(goto:"Attack")](link:"Attack $monster2")[(set: $hitmonster to 2)(goto:"Attack")]](else:)[(link:"Attack")[(set: $hitmonster to 1)(goto:"Attack")]]
(link:"Defend")[(set: $defended to 1)(goto:"Defend")]
Health: $Uhealth Magiks: $Umagic
(if: $defended is 1)[(set: $Uhealth to $Uhealth - $blockdam1)You block the attack and only take $blockdam1 damage!](if: $defended is 2)[(set: $Uhealth to $Uhealth - $blockdam3)You block the attack and only take $blockdam3 damage!](if: $defended is 3)[(set: $Uhealth to $Uhealth - $blockdam1 + $blockdam2)You block both attacks and only take $blockdam3 damage!](else:)[(if: $monsters is 2 and $defended is 0)[(set: $Uhealth to $Uhealth - $EdamEdam)The $monster1 both attack together and do $EdamEdam damage!](if: $monsters is 1 and $defended is 0)[(set: $Uhealth to $Uhealth - $Edamage1)The $monster1 attacks and does $Edamage1 damage!](if: $monsters is 3 and $defended is 0)[(set: $Uhealth to $Uhealth - $EdamEdam)The $monster1 and $monster2 both attack together and do $EdamEdam damage!]]
[[====>|Strife Menu]]
Health: $Uhealth Magiks: $Umagic
Items: (if: $item1 != 0)[(if: $item2 is 0)[$item1]](if: $item2 != 0)[(if: $item3 is 0)[$item1, $item2]](if: $item3 != 0)[(if: $item4 is 0)[$item1, $item2, $item3]](if: $item4 != 0)[(if: $item5 is 0)[$item1, $item2, $item3, $item4]](if: $item5 != 0)[$item1, $item2, $item3, $item4, $item5](if: $item1 is 0)[None]
Armor: $armorE
Weapon: $weaponE
Magiks: $magicE
[[Back|Strife Menu]]
You won the battle!!
The (if: $monsters is 1)[opponent](else:)[opponents] dropped:
$EnemyDrop (if: $item1 is 0)[(set: $item1 to $EnemyDrop)](if: $item1 != 0)[(set: $item2 to $EnemyDrop)](if: $item2 != 0)[(set: $item3 to $EnemyDrop)](if: $item3 != 0)[(set: $item4 to $EnemyDrop)](if: $item4 != 0)[(set: $item5 to $EnemyDrop)]
Some other soldiers have arrived to help you fight off these dark elves, looks like they've got it taken care of for now, hopefully none of those pesky dark elves have gotten into the... dorms... again... Was that an explosion? You better get there fast!
[[$playerName: Check out dorms|Check dorms]]
FREAKIN' DARK ELVES! WHY DO YOU GUYS DO THIS?! They just blew a hole in the wall of your dorm and are proceeding to mess with your stuff! They just don't know any privacy do they? Hey, you! Yes you, give that back!
[[$playerName: Wrestle object from dark elf|Wrestle object from dark elf]]
You got it! No, bad elf, out! This is sacred ground! ***the elf sulks away sadly***. Dang elves, why would it even want your old necklace? Well, you guess you'll pocket it for now. (+1 Old Necklace) What time is it? Oh no! All this dark elf nonsense has made you late! You better get to your party fast! (set: $item2 to "Old Necklace")
[[$playerName: Get there moderately quickly|Get there moderately quickly]]
You arrive just on time! Mostly because they expected the elves to attack, but you don't care! Cackleberry Cake! You go grab a slice of it and sit down with your good friends and father. (+1 Cackleberry Cake Slice) As you sit down the rest of the party starts bring out presents!
[[$playerName: Open presents!|Open presents!]]
Your good friend Xarold got you an ***extra rare, limited edition, extra, extra rare edition, dark edition, extra dark, blackwind shadow badge***, you can't believe that you own one now! You equip it immedietly. (+1 Blackwind Shadow Badge)
[[$playerName: Next present!|Next present!]]
Your friend Ilex, who's pretty much a sister to you, got you an Enchanted Cloak! That's so thoughtful of her, she says it has a water'proof enchantment on it, so it's pretty much impossible to get wet inside it! You love it! (+1 Cloak of Rain)
[[$playerName: Last present!|Last present!]]
And finally, your best friend of all time, Larry, got you an actual Crystal Ball! They've become so rare, really it's more like an antique then anything usefull, but it's still really cool, and the inscription on it reads "You can see the future!"