Enter Name.
Your name is RAYVEN MUNIMM.
You are a collector of THE FINE ARTS, including PAINTINGS, MUSIC, and BOOKS, all of that stuff, all of it, you find them all quite facinating and hope, some day, that you might be able to create art like these with your own SKILLSET, which includes, DECEPTION, DECEIT, SLIGHT OF HAND and the likes. Your lusus MADAM LE AILE, started fueling your interest in art by dropping almost all of your current aquired peices into your hive over many years.
Other subjects you enjoy include, SCHEMING, PICKPOCKETING, THEIVING, TRICKERY, BRIBERY and INTERPRETIVE DANCE. your friends also all think you're a LOT NICER THEN YOU REALLY ARE and you hope to show them just how FAR FROM THE TRUTH that is. Though, you're not exactly in a hurry to make EVERYONE HATE YOU.
Your trolltag is chirpingNoble and you Have a talont for words, with a beautifully crafted vocabulary! ^v^